1. Read Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - Chapter 1 | MangaBuddy
Read Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - Chapter 1 with HD image quality and high loading speed at MangaBuddy. And much more top manga are available here.
Read Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - Chapter 1 | MangaBuddy. The next chapter, Chapter 2 is also available here. Come and enjoy! Coming to save Aoi Yamato (the son of a huge enterprise and kidnapped for ransom) is Prince Charming... Or, more like an arrogant and rude bodyguard...! Behold, this man in black is Ryo Uruha, the boy Aoi used to bully in junior high. He's supposed t
2. Read Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - MangaBuddy
Coming to save Aoi Yamato (the son of a huge enterprise and kidnapped for ransom) is Prince Charming... Or, more like an arrogant and rude bodyguard!
Read Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - Coming to save Aoi Yamato (the son of a huge enterprise and kidnapped for ransom) is Prince Charming... Or, more like an arrogant and rude bodyguard...! Behold, this man in black is Ryo Uruha, the boy Aoi used to bully in junior high. He's supposed t
3. Standby Kiss - Ore no Senzoku Secret xx - Read Free Manga Online
Aug 12, 2023 · The second half of this series is here as we say goodbye to the super sadistic bodyguard and the entitled rich boy he loves and protects! This ...
Volume 1: Coming to save Aoi Yamato (the son of a huge enterprise and kidnapped for ransom) is Prince Charming... Or, more like an arrogant and rude bodyguard...! Lo and behold, this man in black is Ryo Uruha, the boy Aoi used to bully in junior high. He's supposed to be working for Aoi, but he has a cockiness and insensitivity about him that riles Aoi up. Yet, there's also a soft, gentle side to him amidst his brutal honesty, and Aoi finds himself gradually drawn in.... Volume 2: The second half of this series is here as we say goodbye to the super sadistic bodyguard and the entitled rich boy he loves and protects! This volume also contains a pure romance between Aoi's friend Kano and the mysterious private eye Kanzaki. 身代金目的で誘拐された財閥の御曹司・大和 葵(やまとあおい)を助けに来たのは、王子様…とはほど遠い、無礼で横暴なボディガード…! 真っ黒なスーツに身を包んだその男は、中学時代に自分がいじめていた潤葉 了(うるはりょう)だった。 護衛のくせに偉そうで、人のデリケートな部分を容赦なく抉ってくる潤葉に反発する葵。 しかし、厳しさの中にある優しさや弱い側面を知り、徐々に潤葉に惹かれていく自分がいて…?
4. Manga: Standby Kiss: My Exclusive Secret Service Agent - aniSearch.com
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