THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1921 21 Travel Information San Francisco and Eastern Produce Market FULL CAR WANT ADS NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC Tickot Ollire rerry Depot antl 50 Prwt st. Iava HAN FRANCISCO Arri. The Grain Markets Livestock Market PetAluma, Bauta Koea, Monte Rio.
tlltOfip Sonoma, Glen Illon IS Chico C. of C. Boosts East Side Highway CHTCO, Sept. 28. In order to hc-fltiuint Calil'ornia with the brautk-H ol! the new 10a st Sido ITishway from 1'roberta, north of Chico.
to Sacramento, the board of supervisors today appropriated $5,000, part of a $12,000 fund now subscribed for the purpose. Already the chamber of commerce hero has spent $S50 erecting large signs to attract visitors to the highway, which is the shortest route from lied Bluff to the capital. One hundred thousand colored road maps showing the hi-ghway have been ordered for immediate distribution. IiiEuintas. 1'ointReve RANGERS WILL! HE TODAY! I'etaJumH, Santa Rosa, lUmhlshurg Ukiah, Willits, Fort Uraeu, lxing-rlale, Fortuna, Knri'kii, Areata Biinoma, Glen Kllen IVyes, Camp Meekor, Monte I tio, Du.icnu Mills, Cataflero Vhl uma, Man ta ilosa.
U. lerne lie. IJUTTER UP AGAIN, EGGS HIGH. The warm weather created a good local market for citrus fruits, tomatoes iinil lettuce, but corn, string beans and other cooking vegetables failed to move. Mixed varieties of table grapes hold at a ton at Wright Station, but wine grapes in the field at Martinez brought porSUS a (on.
Trading in dairy produce was light. Butter advanced per ib, eggs eased off slightly and cheese prices were irregular. Dressed meat quotations of Western Meat Company dropped Vie per lb. Travel Information ATTHN'I IO.M A I. IN HAN niANCIfOC.
Mlisabrth 1-'. liftield. also known as R. F. Offiil.l, aim known aa l.iwio CKf aaW.
tliwl A.ig. 1IC1. It is iKiliciert tliat an Kit Ur will in oiib of tua ban t'Tttariwo banks. Will tlie imnk wliosa custody aaiU will is. or white ho a sa.f dopnaat bos.
kindly ciHiiiminiiatu with the a.linini' traiDr, (I. H. (i UA HAM, 715 ilonlorcy ItJltorsliell. 1. I hirfby gin- niilicn 'UiatTTiaVs sola 0 kii'nwi as 11.
Ilollmn ac amri Mission st, ami will not be rs SMniiik anv Us aitaa ISeiit. 1, idji. A. iK'I h- t'aiip at- iTfby Kivp tuHire that 1 liave sold my brut and will not. bo lor Uobt UU daw.
M. JTAfKKI-Xn, t00 Hayes st Twill not ix- ni. fur any "bills" cnu*tr. by my wife, Mrs, v. J.
AiiM.TSim, frotn this data, as. V.J. Amicrsou, luionst t'-V aii'1 u-t. 1st I will "nut tie re-hiviiimMp flir uny cvntractfd by my Margaret Iftitta K. L.
Bt'TTb, Tu l.incilii Alamwia. Itrsl'Klt 'iierinSivrlip disMlsi; will not Iw rcsinsibli for bills after 2.1. RRN'K Rl hTKIt, Clement, at. Tt) VlluM Vi' MAY CONCKRN My wifst Mrs. A.
J. Kihii, li'ft my liod and Niaril witliout jui4. nvociitioim and from now on I n-ill not be n.ponsiile for any of Iiit Mlt. A J. SII.V I A.
Miwinn. Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, Nuts Tomorrow the Big Distribution of "Examiner" Bicycles Takes Place Still Time to Enter Wonte Rio, Duncan Mills, Cazadero Laftuuitas, 1'oint Reyes l'etaiuma, Santa Roaa. 110:458 iARunitas, Point Reyes fijp 1 Petaluma, Santa Rosa, tiuerneville, Monte Rio, Duncan Mills Ijifcunitafl, Point Royca. Mwksr, 3.15p Petaluma, Santa Roaa, Cloverdalo, Ukiah Sonoma, Glen 1: 1 Ion San Goroniino, J.agunitas I.auriiuis, Point Reyes t7 ietaluraa, Santa tosa, liealflsburg Petaluma. Santa Rosa, likiah, illius, J-'ort bragg, i.ureta (carries sleeping oars) S.J5 TTMilyoxcept Sunrlay.
only. JSun. only. To Sauealito. Mill Valltw.
Sun lijifitoi. l''iiirfai. iPSili CHICAGO, Sept. 28. (Ry Universal Service.) Wheat continued its downward course although at times the trend was irregular.
Corn sold at the lowest levels in nine years. The grain market was without friends, getting very little support outside of profit-taking by shorts and moderate buying in the removal of hedges against export business. Wheat closed with net declines of 2A(v'lc; Corn dropped Hi ITsc; Oats were off no; Rye was 1 Hii2c lower; Barley was 'Ac higher to 1c lower. The European situation continues as a depressing factor in the wheat market. Talk of financial crisis in Germany and Austria with morning dispatches of the unemployment situation in the United Stales reflects the money situation abroad and has its duo effect in wheat.
Corn ruled heavy today. its early weakness having an effect in wheat. Outside interest in oats remained at low ebb and commission house pressure in sympathy with wheat forced values sharply lower. Provisions were irregular. I'hone Mutter 700 KM TIPIfFTS 53 Market 8t.
(PalaM Httrsl) Oakland. 1437 Broadway, Ph. Oakland 1437 Hurksiev, 2011 Shattnck v. Ph. Brk.
426 Sacramtnto. Sacto. Nor. 8th and MiniTiMis. uiAi.H.
Manor, every St) until then, houny nntil then and every 30 mm. until 7:45, then 8:45, 10:15, (lam Sat. and Bun. nicl*ts onlv not to Manor Sun. nighii.
Additional trains 1:15, 10:15, I 12:15. Tiburon and Relvedere Daily every hour front until then 3:45, 5:15, 7:4, 8:45, Sat. only). Automobile boat San Franrisro to Batiaalito, daily at 6:50, 8:30, 12:20, 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20, lOp, la. Sausalito to San toancisco daily, 7:40, 1:35, lli'5a, 1:25, 2:25, 3:25, 5:35, 7:30, Sun.
11 Sausaiito to Tiburon connects witii No. 401, IF. lo. 4U1, LOS ANGELES FIRST CLASS L0A1 $17 S. S.
IMtF.srnKNT l. M. Finn AT, SEPT. 29 S. S.
ADM IRA IIKUKV 11 A. M. SL'SDAV, OCT. 2 IM l.AU UMMiFj ml A. SuttiT St.
"binl (leuive THIS tTimrsday) JkK iVal.Nti, 7:10 o'clock, by cm- AJtfioNALT UllKlB ami Tin Ployea of Marwmli'l t. T. CKTHI.KlTEM lyiTMJlorNo; EXTRA! Bulletin from the Southern Pacific, just received, says that "The Examiner's" solid carload of Ranger bicycles for "live wire" boys nd girls will be here this afternoon without fail. Tomorrow's the f.IG DAY, fellows! Tomorrow is the a solid carload 01 those handsome Rangers will he delivered to "The Examiner." Tii-cycles that you fellows have heen waiting for. The way that old telephone has burned the Hist few days makes us believe that every youngster in San Frano'sco is watching and waiting for the "Car of Joy," as one youngster styled it.
Well, the "watchful waiting" will Boon be over. And you fellows who have been waiting for your Hangers will surely feel well repaid for the waiting when you step around and claim YOURS. PUT ON STEAM. Meanwhile, some of you other boys and girls who are traveling right along toward Rangers step on 'er the next couple of days and claim your TA VfP, Bee- HA ftTfAvn, Ree- 453," P. TtAi.tM fv'ial moi'Unir niursilav I- MM! and 4 ut t.1011 ui th? M.
V. tlnind Mtwt'ir, ileorjre F. wit r. IS 1 -T1. 1.3S! Receipts durinir the 24-hour period ended at 10 o'clock yertterday 1 car lried IVuita, 2 cars Itaisins, 7i2 hags Almonds, tlie Dutch stmr Noodcrdijk frum Loudon brought boxes Date.
RAISIN'S Vmeyani run. layers. 100 Ih boxes, ier lh. nominal; Siuimaid reeded, ii oz pkgs. Iric; seedless HmlUnas.
2fj lb bx. Idc; 'niunipson selless. 2.1 Ib bis. 17Vtr; Ji'1 1 VtyP- 50'a ''tlT' Thompson, lh Ins. Jc; sulphur Weacueii 'Phoninrton, 2i lb hsa, nimiina.1; clusters, nominal; 25 I hxs, pT Ih, 1 1 crown I.
2.1 lb bx.i, arown L. 20 lb bis, 1.1c; Ciirrant.s, 2.1 H) bxs. 2lc per lh. PltiS Kancy black 25 lb las, lh. 12Wc; eitrn choice black.
10e; choice blsck, IV; tancy white, irc; eitra choice white, He; choice white, 12 10-os. white. fancy 4 layer 1I lb bia, olioictt 4 layar, 10 lb hla, el. 7.1. PR-rNBN iSCMO rrunea, 2i Ih hxn, lh 14c; 12c; SO-lHM, 10c; HO-7US, 9c; TOOs, iv.
SO -fx, O'c; Sb-Hsia. r-. DATKSI'eraian. lh. 14'; Fani, per lb, nominal; In-nmedary, per case,
A PI "I fancy, At lh his. lb 17e; eitra choice, l.lVjc; choice, lie; Vkc tier lb more in 25 lb bis. PKAWf Blue Riht-on brand, 18 11 ot to case, Blue brand, 24 2 Ib pts to cisi', nominal; eura fancy, 2-5 Ib his, lie; fncy 25 Ib bxs, iw lb, 10c; ejLtra dioice. 14c; APRKXrTs Yuuiy 25 lb bis, lh, extra choice, 21c; choice, 20c; (standard, PWA1US Kancy 25 lb on, lh Kte: citxa ciioine choice. I2U; Standard.
ItV. NLTS--1XL Alnwmds, lh, 2ic; Ahrionds, 1.1c aoft shell Walnuts, Chilean WaJ-niitii, 2Uc; do bleached 22c; fancy Japanese leanuta. n(ninaJ: do Chinen lVarniu, l)l2c; l-lllierts, 1 lie Manehurian Walnuut, Uew crop, lie; Brazils, 15c; l'ecans, 32o. Honey Jobbing Prices. Receipts by rail from interior points dnr-ing the 24 hours ended 10 a.
ui. yj(rday were ml. Jobber' for Honey are as follows: Mtraclal wlute sage, Italic; white orange, 12m1Jc; white alfalfa, lii'12f light amtier alfalta, andr, rj'i'sc- u311a-lian. Hiwa.ian. l'-omb--V ater wnite.
25c; do am bur, 2Uts.22c; fancy waur wbafc, 2.1c. New York Dried Fruits. Fares Im-liide Herth imd Meiilw SAN DIEGO $22 FIRST CLASS $24 S. S. ADMIRAL KVASS 11 A.
iM. VEULOAV, OCT. The wpokly riew of the California. Cattlemen's Awieiation pays: The demand for beef rattlf in California haa been very strung uuring the past, week, and Brmtw activity hna lMn ahnwn by t.h buyers in tract jeally all apctinim rf the Hute. Saltw of medium weiht atetva at GUc nrr rntrtcd at majjy point from AIanavill south.
Thfi "Jemanti fnr fpwifr cattlw and atock enws in incrcasinR rapidly. I'hafi npnrt hII available fwHh'ra and stork iwfl td the aecrMary of thp Califi-rnij i'attlfmcn's A-aopiation, K14 SantJi building, in order that the demand mav be mrt, The I'ncifir Railroad will shortly announce a rHnHion in graying fees on its landn to the 11) IH basis. The money recently mart available liy th War Finance t'orponilinn ia already crcatinir a tprtdwry to hold larnr numlMira of young cattle and breeding stock off the mark, it Uing nwwsary to aell only heavy steera ami old now a. Ruyern are offormg contract fnr 7c and 7'vc for prime fed in Itpcomber. HoTPiptu of Livestock from interior noinU for the IM-bour ended 10 a.
m. yesterday were 10( head, Western S1iat prices, weighed off cars. HotUh San Francisco; i 'attlti Stet-ra. No. 1, ff0', second quality, 4 c.
Tows and lleifer No. 1, aoo ond quality. (tf4Hc, Hulls and Staffs Good, 2I4.V i 'alvea Lightweight, 7 be hoary, 5 Sheien Wethers. 3lg'4c; tw, 2H3c. Lamb Milk, tittiVbc.
ilogfr Hard, fat, grain fed, 125 to 200 lba, 10c; 200 to 250 31a. ir: 2.ri0 to UtX) lbs, 8e; roww. litrht, fse; do heavy, 7c. lreast'd Meuta Steers, No. 1, l'ltlc; second qu ilily, 1 1 12c; cowa and heifers, lOfo-llc; calves, as to aize, 14(3 tSc; lambs, milk, infill 7c; wethers, 13(o'15c; ewea, I0la( 12 'ye; hujrs, (a ISc.
irden 1'arking Comnanv prlw: 'attle Tup ste.TH, c'tlc per lb; No. 2. ft(aZic; good cowh and heifers, 4(r4c; do No. 2, SJlc: good buiLs, 21i(fl3c; calve, light, 7itj(o'8c; do medium, do heavy, 4iaH. Hogar Hard, grain, fed, top packing, 100 to 150 ier lb; iw to 22ft lbs, Uc; 25 to 'MX lhs, SH-c; to 400 lbs, 04jc.
Sheeri Kwes, 2(21c; wethers, or3teo; yeariinga, 3jta4c; e'Cc. Fresli Pork Drnwed hogs, DH-100 shinpTfl, 1 Oc do 100-1 TvO paekers, 22c hama, 8-12, 30c; dn 12-lb frih N. X. ahoul-ders, 22c do skinned, 24c fresh picnics, frtwh ijork loins, S-12, Ii2c; do 12-ld, 32c; frozen pork loins, light, 3nc; fresh Hoh-ton twittis, 22ii; fresh Ijoncleaa butts, 32c; freah spareniw, 20c; tixixen dn, lKc; fresh back fat. 15c; fresh lent lard, 10c; fresh net-k lnes, Cc; fresh back twines, 4c; froth jork JHhes, 14-lii, 32c; frh irk tnminings, reg, 17c; troen do, 17c; frozau pork triiii-minga, lean, 18c.
Pressed MnatsWteers, first rraaJity. 12l-c; second quality, lltul2c; cows and heifers, first quality. 1 i 11 Vic; second quality, iHlOc; eiiUts. hide on, ewe, HcilOe; wethoi a. 10('l2c; Unit, light, ltic; do heavy, 14(a-15c; hogs, Chicago.
OBfCACO, 8ert. 2. OattlfrRflceipta. eNTi-fed yt-ariingi anl handyweight steers, strong 5c higher; Ppou. 25c up; others nuntiy Btedy VV eurn aLrong; plain heavy stwra.
dull, st-ady; prime yearlings, $il, fKso-pound bulk bef sixers. fit she hUK-k, dull cuunera and cutters, bulls, RtoekTS ajid feeila-s, steady eal caJtes uneven, steady to 25c lowtr. Htg3 lieceipta, opened 15 to 25 higher than yesterday's average; eliding witU motit of advance on packing i.od heavy lights and lujht buu-her, f.luif4(.4tt; bulk, peeking w.i( pdgs, steady; bulk desirable, S7.2.7.50- Stieep Receipts, all claAses generally saady; native iat lamlts uosing weak; esteni lambs, top, biUK, Sii top natives, bulk around. 3W; culls, fat owes tip, hulk, teeder lambs, toy, bulk, t. i.ofblrn, and his itnyT-i to followed by tin" of the Third Iegre by too M.
W. (Iniiiil Ma-iter and hia ol-fievnt. aliai wrli-oute. Passenger A. Freitfht OATK.
'JTHflinff nan Jipht on tho Kan Kran-nft'o Wholesale Produce Kxr hangs yesterday. liuttvr advanced Vic por lb: efitfa had a tendency to decline, but cheese wan invpuiar. 'J'h Sew York and Chirac butter markets were firm at unciiantrwl notations. The New York egg market, whs lrreffii-lr. 1 'acMtir 'mt wnire ecir were unchanged at, -Xtt-iJc.
New Jersey lanry ran died t'Kira were tinted at 7Tc. Henry hitt were at Other Rraitt-8 w-re The Chicago okk nutrkPt wa firm. There were no Chandra in quotations except retnieratrB, Kxtraa arlvannnir L-je at l-Wii-c pcraozen and first, up sc ar, In the local market tiaiee wore aa follows (Note-All sales transactions made between members cm tne floor ni the excliantja are marie subject to the following-trade dis-emntfi: Commodity Butter, up to 4-o er Ib, int-liiaive, ofP diouut; over per lb, discount, provided when aipiares are wold at 4oc and invoiced at 4i 'ic tite discount shall be 30. Krdi, up to 4Ck: dozen, in-hiHivp, distnuint over 4.V ivr dozen, discount. Cheese, ail balus, 10 di-connL.) Jiutler fTalirornia Extras, apot, 10 cubes at 4He; informal, 10 caaen, lOcubw, 4Sie.
Kkk- -California Kxtras, sixit, 10 cava, JO I'aaes, 5'Jc; iiii rajR-s. Wc; informal, 'M tile; 10 rases, HOfi. Kxtra firsts, spt, cx-ws, 1U caw, 10 ca'A, Kstra Tullets, iot, tiO case, 4-V-; 1W rases, nyc. Lndersuen No. Is.
sott Mt canes, Ji caatsi. lta c. Ulieese Kancv California Klats, Lo at 'Jilc. California flat sixif, I'O at I'J'c; informal, -0 at VJ fc Oregon Young were in-activf but advnnced '4c. Hecetjta bv rail from interior points during the 4 hours ended 1ft a.
m. yewtenlay were: itulter, l.Kt ctK; l'CP. doz. Cheese, Kec-eipLa by express from near-by iwints were: iiutter, 16 ctls. KgRM, 4Xi (rases tSieese, 1 4 ctU.
The steamer brought 511 cast Cheese from ttff trrdam. 'Hi" siamer Ion Maru brourat packages eg yolk from Kobe. Sales on the San Kram-isro Wholesale I airv rrodupe change ycatorday were aa follows: Butter, 10 caea, -U cubes; k4SB rases: Cboese, f'i. i he uotationM on Butter a re on ha bato of solid pack enbea. To ascertain th price on inaas add to the miie pnre per lb a 'ollowrg: Twin Ih squares, parchment wnppd.
lVsc: 1 lb, do. 1c. II. (i. HQlllKlt, Secretary.
LOIKVU. No. lit). F. ft .40 .40 li Ti'Winlicr.
May I termhpr Ma PwCTDber. May frieptember Ortnlvr Jajiuary (Vbihrr J-iiiuary Services from New, York. M. Sisviiil meetilitt THIS IThuralayl at TSW o'elock. Stieotwl di irrt.
SocUl eveii- 4L', .41 PORK. LA 111) w.i-i -T KIRS 7.15 7.7 7.iT in. "In Ti-oincal Iskw." Fdluw Craft Alutions cordially united. I'ltKHKlilt i IIAIiltY, 10 1.1 y.17 2i.0O 7.57 7. 13 7.S7 Office tn cunaul Huiiding.
Marliet ami First tjtreetri, San Francisco. I'hone 117'JO Suuer. Freight bailiuKS on Applieatiun. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Montreal Quebec. Halifax, Portland, to Southampton, Liverpool, Plymouth.
London. Cher-bourn, Bristol, Londonderry, Glasgow, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, UcditorraHoao and Levant Porta, GlIl.IiBN HATK I'llAI'l'KIt No. 1-1, It. A. Sutter st.
Sieoial martini; THIS (Tlmrs-duyl at o'clock. I'. M. aud M. K.
M. dereen. Till J. I Ri lidl'H, SeiTi'tjiry. EATTLE-T ACOMA $36 FIRST CLASS $40 8.
OCT. GOXIfBX OAtB LOiMlE. No. "3, No. 3.
jv. 01 1., mei-ia jni Visitors jiSJ. eyeninir. IM Market st. Vi JiliXai5r eieouie.
FANSELOW, OC. GTiLOkn WrJT 'lilx'iK No?" "ii, 1. O. l. l' Fu-nt a ie SAILINGS Tills (Thursday) HVtM.vti.'-.' ALIK ATWOOD.
Sea HALL Ol' UlllflK No. Aivou-iitdy Chwce, tlc; extra 1. O. O. K.
bakers, iiiem-f and fhends arc invitiil to stti-nd til" funeral s-rvieea of "fri'lw Rangers from this shipment. And if YOU haven't entered yet. remember you have just eighteen more days in which to "get in on the ground floor" after that time no new entries will be accepted. October 15 is the closing date. If you're "in" at that time, you'll have tim to finish, but ifvyou haven't entered well, you will have lost the finest opportunity the boys and girls of California have ever had offered to them.
There'll be Ranger "bikes" for all winners, and if later on, you see some other fellow riding around the Ranger that YOU might have had it won't be our" fault, will it REAL INSURANCE. Some time ago we mentioned to you fellows that earning a Ranger was a mark of distinction for the youngsters who "checked in." Well, it's more than that it's real insurance against loss, that's what it is. Just listen to this: John Baird. that 'elche. Kirni Sjjjindarrt 1t.
va TAROVIA" October 22 TVcember 1 "CAME RON I November 19 Tanuarv It To Mediterranean and Adriatic Ports Madeira, Gibraltar. Alsriera. Monaco Genoa, Naples (Rome), Patras, Piraeus Athena), Trieste, Alexandria (Cairo and the Nile). Sumptnoosly appointed large steamers offer unexcelled service and cuisine, s'nele rooms, rooms with bath and ensnite. BooWintrs to any port and oeriert freedom of action.
Shore erenrsinns if desired alo sffri-overi, for Independent Trnvcl 12'c; fancy. lKiKliHo. Haisiu-ilinno. Ixia-o Muecatels, 144t 1('-ac: choice to fancy aceded. seedless, l'Jin 22c.
Mi 11 tutt l'er id, tinging iu our lato F.ItoTHL'K. Y. U. SCU1 I TB, 1'. at Memorial Hall, Odd Fellows TJfl.S FItlDAY AFTKRNOOsM.
bi'lit, 30 at 1 o'elork. H. I'l'TXAM. N. Q.
Mou. iioa. 'ed. Noiu. 4V 4c Num. IM ha 11 11 Fruits, Berries Wed. Mon. Tna. file OilifoiUui fireta I'rime firsia. Krtti 1't doiea: Califoniii firetfl.
Kxtra, first a lOxira pulleis Vlxtrft first rullfrta JEWKL (liAYl.liiiri'rfJiI'C.E No. 1174, F. and A. TUrd degree THIS (TiniriKlj.y) MOUM.NU, at O-'iO. ftL M.
welcome. A'f-zC 47 1 47 He J. A. RN'ELU Son. 4 PACIFIC MAIL S.
S. CO. SA FRANCISCO to BALTIMORE Via Panama c.nnsl 8. S. Colombia, October 8th PANAMA SF.RVICE Maxleo an'l Central Amerir-.
to Panaaia S. S. San Joan, Oct. 1 Sailings approximately every 21 day TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE Honolulu. Japnn.
Cnina, Ph-lmnines 8. S. Empire State, October lt S. S. Hooaier State, October 12tk 8.
S. Golden State. November 5ta MANILA-EAST INDIA SERVICE Honolulu, Manila, Saigon, Sinsaoort, Calcutta. Celonths 8. 8.
Wolverine State, October 15th S. 8. Granite Stute, November 15th General Offices: 508 California St. General Passenger and Ticket Offices: (121 Market Sutter 3300 MANAGING A U. 8.
Shippiaf Board 1 inderi7vl No. 1 OHKi; Jiinff price i.r lb: Old sty la MIPSP'N CirAI-TEK No. R. A. His-ul meeting THIS (Thursday) o'clock.
JL and M. K. M. drerees. JUilX HILLilAN.
C. T. gljlUEY, H. P. Chicago Spot Grain.
(lllK'Aiiu, lis. Wheat Sample ffraila red, Nn. hard, Corn, No. '1 miie 1, N.i. 'i yellow, )S-S I its.
Ni. white, No. ft "hit. Rye No. -I.
Slia.1.01. 1 nnxhyseej, ClotprsceJ, H'-l la 1. San Francisco Grain Market. CAI.I, K.ARI--Kie hiinJmi tuns l)in-bpT barley Kuuirea bti1 2X lon.s May Barley Futures changed handa on the lurail exHians' jesterduy afternoon. The fonner rhanKid hands in ItKVton Intfi as follows: Urn tons at the rate of tons at $1.24, lti tons at gt.
liK) tons at. tl.l4. 100 ton at Jl.2!-.. The mle of -00 tons May Harley Kutun-s was made at the rati of LHiring the niurninij sea-Mon was hid for December liarley t'Htnres. while was asked.
There wi" of for May futures during thd session. Ue-ei'ta for 24 hours ended 10 a. m. yes-tenlsv were 2 rtla cits Bariey, 1.4'M tls Oats, MK Com. WHKAT per ctl for milling; feed, l.iira.'2.
10. HARLEY -Spot feed, tl. 2031.25 Der cU: Bhipp hk, $1 .27 1-(al R5. OATS Reo feed, J1.4e"t.55. CORN California, yeilow, S1.rASl.Wi; wldto Egyptian.
tl.Tof" 1.S0; Eaitem red iiiio. nominal. Sl.uOtirl 52 for No. 2 Eastern, yellow; KarTir, in bulk, noDiinal for Nn. 2, rd nominaj for No.
California Red Milo. tl.iUiSl.70. Flour and Cereals. RereirKa by rail from interior points dnr-inc the 24 hour period ended 10 a in. yesterday were: Flour, qr sks.
The ptmr Nouio 'ity from Seattle brought 5,100 half r.ks Flour and lot) qr sks Flour. FLOI I'lus avenge ranage of 20c pe I'hl: California family atandani btMtvla, 2-2. IS. 55; 4-4s, S-Ss. SS.IKi; VO-Mta.
baled, 9.45: Kavks, 100 Iba, 10-in, balext: Buckwheat Hour, Buckwheat Fiour. aelf-ris nx. Cornmeal. yellow. Corn-mral, extra yellow, Pnl-inta, Cornmeal, whitn, JS.liO; Oirn Flour, yellow Com Flour, white.
Il.nti; Cracked Wheat, Encore Pancaie Flour Fatiua. Hominy, larite, Hominy, grits. Oatmeal. Oatmeal, eteel cut, i.uiO; Pearl IJarley, midium, Flour, ft. 20; Split lVa.
Entix Wheat Fl.tur. Graham Flour. Rve Flour, Rye Jleal, $S10; Extra Rolled nits, biled, 2(1 'Ja, Rolled Certal Flakes. JW.10; Rolled Wheat, 2 75a. IB.
10; Union Pearl Barley. $0.25. Grain Bags. Ran Quentin. 7c; Calcutta, coot, 74o; June and July, 7 U.
duty paid; hep-ember and October. 674(Tc NEW YOKK-HAVRE-PARIS fancy YUifornla njlM. 'Si--: first. If ii om i a a cy A miea. 2fw do firsts, nominal Oregon Vsmcj Twins, norm-iah lo Triplets.
do Vounj Aioancaa, Eqqs in New York. NTCW YORK. Sept. 28. Kw -Fbr-i freh (Rithcr'i nxtr tinsts, 4Naolc; freah PAItK LOnfiK, AKK LODOK, 440.
'F. A. M. gt 1- IH lUnUt at. Third degree THIS mMts- rintnidtw il VJCM.NO at 7:30 XX clock.
Hams, Bacon, Lard (Tither'vl firsts. Poultry and Game A M. WILDE, Bee. JF.SIDIO lirtriilE, No. 8.n4."P.
A. Ma-Honic Temple. Van Ness a v. and Oak st. Tldnl degree XX THIS (Thnradaj-) KVLNING atV 1 clock.
J. K. nrTTBRFIKTJ. See'y. Paris Oct.
8 CJhlcasro Oct. 13 France Oct. 15 La Tonraine Oct. Ill Leopoldina Oct. Lafayette Oct.
a3 La Lorraine Oct. all France Nov. 3 NEW YORK VIGO HAVRE ROLSSII.LON LA UOL'RIJONNAIS Oct. a5 Winter ratea now In effect. TOniS in AUilFKS and MOK0CC0 Saillngr from llnrrleanx or Marseille jjltnirJ, No.
.173, a ic A. M. Otheers and members sjv sin hereby nmit'ied to a.stiiiUe at fJ the ixirlors of M. Gray J01.1 linisailem on Thursday, at The mirket was nuirt yesterd.iT. Rfoeipls rtnrinjj the hours eiirleil 10 ni.
ycsterrlay were cwpa LiTe Poultry, 0 'flame. I'Ol'I TRY Catifnrrm, per lb: Hens, nol-p-rerl, S-'e While leghorn, faiu-y. 2 merlilini, L'3l" do small 2w 'J4r: vi-nin? itrwslcrs. eolnred, 0W3.V: old Roofltrs, 1SCo22o: Brnilers, 4.Vi.jUc. Prtn.
Oeese, L'Si30c; Duok, consigned, t'iyeuns Old. jct doz; 8qub, 45 (Eioflc ier lh. Tiirkevs Per lh. S5e: rnnall spring Tnr-lieys. per lb, 40i40c; dressed, 40lff.A)c per Ib.
p. 111., tor tne p*rnose of condnet-ing the funeral of Brother Janips Robinson, lato a member of Buckeye Lodge, Wo. Winters, Calif. Three and Four eek Motor Trips) Write for interesting descriptive literature energetic young man wno assists in handling the multiplicity of business transacted by the Bank of Italy, left his Ranger against the curb at Montgomery and California streets a day or two ago, while he went in on a business matter. When John came out he found that someone with an eye for real worth in bicycles had traveled on with the Ranger.
John sent word immediately to "The Examiner" bicycle department. We flashed the word around, and next day the Oakland police picked up a suspicious looking character with a brand new Ranger hieycle. Thev surmised it didn't belong to him and sought the owner. The bicycle being a Ranger, the first place thought of was "The Examiner" office. Into the Oakland office went the arresting officer with the news John Balrd's bicycle was missing John went over to Oakland and brought back his Ranger.
IT'S ALL IN THE PERSON. Some people can't be stopped. When they make up their minds to get somewhere, they're like the U. C. football team fa*ga'l PsrKic Coast 630 Montgomery H.
neon Kueiian. uamo Aot. Phone Sutter 7JW. 159 Sutter San Francisco A. l- irst av.
ai No. ,175, F. id ('lenient St. -l- EVEN1.NO at LK No. ,170, F.
K' THIS (Tlmrvlay) 7. becood dourtv. 1 FrCreNK38, Secty. mmmmEim Beans, Peas, Hops Sails 12 Noon, Oct. 6 Receipts from the interior dnrinjr the 24 hours enilei 10 a.
m. eirtrdsy were niL estern Meat f'omnuny quotes HAM" Mavrese, all aviTHges, 3.1 4e per Th rrimrose. do, Knstern tar, do, Mc; (Ufonl, 81-140 for light nrl 2He for heiivy; llnirs, 20e; Ilnileil Hanw. r.APON l'rirartwe, Mayrose and Kastern Htsr liaeon. ft-S.
47e; rln 8-10. 40e; dn, 10-12, 44; Arrow BaMn. 6-8, 42c; do 2-10, aoe; do 1012. XHe; do, 14-16. 34 He; Sugar Cured Tlacon baHs, 2.V: heavy Hat-oii thelites, i7e; medium llaeon, lipht striiv liaron, Oe; salt backs, do.
l.ght, 20c; do heavy. ll. tRlV-flolden Hate, tea, IS'lr; 10s, IHc; lfte; 17r. tes, 50, 10s, 15c; Ss, 15Vtc; 3s, MISCRU.ANROrS rrimrnse Salad Oil. $1.0,1 per pal; yellow cookinir oil, OSe; white, $1: Califene, eases.
0 larfie tins, li.c; uietlium and small, 12 No. Is, I8V2C. irden Tacking Omijiauy quotes: HAMS c'miiu Fire. 10-12, MV-e: do, 12-14. iTic; do, 14-16, do, skinned, STVjc; Fidelity 10-12.
34c: do, 12-14, 34o; do. 14-10, Jk; Mncnolin, 10-12. do 1214. 321ie do, 14-16. IS 20.
3lt4C do. 20-2." do. skmnel. .12 He. ROILED HAMS Fidelity, akin on, boneless, 54c: do, skin oil' do.
Camp Fire square, skin on, boned and tied Hams, 4c; lionrd and tie1 l'icnics, 27c. BACON Camp Fire, tl-S, Wive; do, 8-10. 4Ve; dn. 10-12, 4fl'ic; Fidetitv, 4-6, Sllc; do. C-S.
r.le; do is-10, 40c; MannMia, 6-, 44c; do. fi-10, 40c: do. 10 12, Tlirift, 6-S. 42c; dn, 8-10. TOc; do lrt-12, do, 12-14, :t.V; do, 14-16.
34'c; I'lniji Fire, sliced, loose, rSc: do, bus. Wic; do, lb each, 2U14e; do, packed in 0-lb ear-tons, each, LAKH Tierces, Mc; tubs, 60 lha 50-lb tins, 20-lh tubs. He; Bakers' Lard. 12c; pails. per case.
SflOltTrTN IN'fi Tierces, 12c per lb; tubs, fo lbs. 4n-lh tins. 12'ic: 20-lb tubs, 13c; do, tins, per rase, $4.2607.08. Chicago Spot Provisions. CTnCAOO, Sept.
2'. Pork, nominal. Lard, $10.20. Jiibs. SAN PRANCIKOil CTTAPTBR, trrder of l)e Molnv, meets THIS (Tliiinvlayj BVBNINO at 8 o'elork.
l)e Molay deitree to be (Vjtiferred ujioit fiftv-fne ranclidatui. All M.imut Masons iuvitad. J. c. Dl'FF.
Cabia Farss. $24, 121.40. Round Trip Third class (Men Only), $18.00 berth and Meals Included Eastern Spot Barley (17.1 Market. Ph. Sntter 2.144, ft.
p. Key RouU Ferry Phne Sutter 2339 Offices: i2 Market, 6i) Montgomery 'rinplM'0 daily, iixtvpt noted. 7:00 Concord, Piahlo, way. Kxcept Sunday. 7uAS.
V. LIMITED Pltuburt. Point. Mary.Tille. Colusa, Orofiiltt, Cliloe.
W'oodfii(i. Obwrvatioo ar. 0A Concord. Diablo and Buntlay only. 80A THE COMET Sacra mento, Pittabarg.
Mam vllle, t'bi. Observation car. rjnehurst, JDlablo, Concord. Pimdaj onjj, II Sanrampnto, IMUBburg, t'hloo, way. I SJ0P Sacramento, nttburs, Chico, way.
8 0P Sacramento, Pit lu burg. Woodland, wta. 142 San Pablo. Ph. Lakenide Oak.
2127 LnivcrHltJ. Ph. Rcrk. 14, llerk. Fruits.
L. Tlopkins yesterday received a telegmra from TVnght btaUon. in the Santa Cm mountains, that mixed varieties of table liraoe, were Mling for tO.1 a ton. Hopkins is of the opinion that at this price the grapes must be off grades. Wine liranes were bringing $00,4015 per ton the field at Marline.
Hopkins was ad-Tised. 'Ihe local market was steady. Hie hot weather created a good local market for the various iitnis Kniits. tlreen Olives from Southern t'alifornia were on the market yesterday. Offerings were made at lu (Sl2e rer Ib.
Receipts by rail from interior points during tile 24 hours ended 10 a. m. yesterday were 12 cars (irapes. 2 cars Watermelons', I car Apples and cars Cantaloupe. Wells raigo Kxpress lirouglit OS11 boxes Oralis.
boxes Peaches, boxes Plums and 514 boxes l'ljrs. The Ihitch stmr brought 2110 eases furrsnts fnm Ixmdon C1TRPS AM TRiiPICAl Oranges, iwr box: Valencia. for; smalt oT sizi, 2.V(i50c lower; lemons, ir Ixu Fancy, do choice, 7.1 standards, Lemnnettea, (irapefru t. Bananas. frn7c per lb; Tneapples.
$oct5; per doz; Cocoanuts, HOciii $1 per doz. according tn siw; Avocadoes, California per doz, according to size; do Klorida. per doz; do Tahiti, per dm. according to aize: Green Citrons, per crate, APPLKS California, per boy: AleTanders, 4'4-tier, (California Jonathans, and 4-tiiT, J2W2.25; 4'i-tier. California SmUenlienrs, S'i Bnd 4-tier.
4'A tier, $1 50.. 1.75: Winter Bananas, Bellflelir. $1.50 (10 for fancy: do grade. Newtown Pippins. 3 and 4-tier, M.72.
PATES Dromedary, tiolden, per case; Fard, per lb; Golden. 1 Si 20c per lh. I'KARS Marriott No. Is, per L. A.
lug, No. 1s vrranied, per hnx, $2 do No. 2, wrapped. Kurliardy, per 00- lh Inc. ATERMELONS 1 Vie per lb and $1.50 (S4 per do.
PANTM.orTFfs Ptandsrds fats. 40f5fte: ponies. Oella Megs. Jtl 25 (S1.50 pt lug: Honey Pew Melons. per crate.
aerordiug to sire: Cassbe Melons, 1- ier dn7, per crate, MVcOOc; Persian M'dons. per lh, 2c Muskmelons, per crate, Christmas Melons, per crate, FHift-Per box: Black. 5Air75c, single layer; do double laver, 60c75c; do white, for single layers. PKACHES per large li-jr; per small lug, .2,1 wrapped. $11.2.1 ivr small box Strawberry Freestones, wrapped, ier small box.
$1 r); uc Clingstones, t-r hig. Yellow, per 20-lh box, 1.ftne1.73; Solways. 'jiackcl. 20 1b boxes. PH'MS TVr jsmall lico, rVKrffiOe; per large liv, Green Gagea, peir log, 50crtSF 1.2.1; Damsons, $1.50 per large lug; Prunes, A.
lug. GUAPKS Tliompson seedless, per 4 basket crate, $1 dO; do L. A. lugs, large lngs. 2.2.Va.2.,K: Malara.
Ir crate. BlaHt. $1 50m.7.i per crate: do per large hig, per L. A. lng, Sltf 1.25; Tokav, ier crate.
S1.25W1.50; ier L. A. lur, do per large lug. Muscats, per L. A.
lug, do large lugs. Zinfandel. black, per ton, White varieties wine Grapes, $Vfc; Isabella, per lug. white, craLe, do black, $1 25. QriNTFS-rer box.
75ete1.25.- P'Mr)KANATKS -Per A. lug, $1.25 (SI 50; per Imx, PK SI Per L. A. lug. 2.S0.
GRKK.N OLIVES Per lb. Scribe. 601 "Til SAN tTWiE NO. 21, V. A- A.
Masnnic 120R Rnilroad fn FrHitriseo. Stieeial mtting TH18 Cnmrsdayl LVINTNli at 7:30 CHICAGO, Sept. 2S Parley ruled 1 to 2o higher. Malting sold at tUiiti7c and Fceditt' at Jilc. NEW YORK.
2S. Rarlej Bteady. Maltin? sales ranged Itetwcen 73(17710. c. i.
f. New York export. Feeding (45 pound)) sold at H3iolt7c, c. i. f. York export. look. lo- Tldnl deirree, Mf.Hter Ma-wms cordial! Tiled. W. 1 Ii.
W'ARXKIt, Seeretn wir- Loncorii, niaDio. way 4-40PI AU1 The Sugar Market THE ETE0 Plttsharf, PflcramfTrrU. it a rys rtl Orovlila. Chico, Col usa. Os-ecrration car.
Pittsburg. Diablo. h. FTrwnt Runs. they get there! Here's little Laura May Fry, away up in Humboldt County.
Laura May wanted a "superbe" Rang Receipt. hy rail from interior points for 24 hours endM 10 a. m. yesterday were: Beans, sks. liifl hales Horn and no T'eas.
Johhing prices in San Francisro, per 100 pounds: Small White. K1.25; large Whiles, Pinks. Blarkeyen, I.imas. 7: Bahy l.imiis, 'ranlifrrj'. Kidney, fit; Jilifti-yes, Fiayon.
Manchuria Reds,; Snlit Peat. 7: Popeoni. Green Peas. Lentils, Mexnaia Garranzaa, nominal. Shipinrs' prires per 100 lhs.
quoted hr California Bean Growers' Aaaociation on 0. U. t. Beans: Large Whiten. small Whites, $4.
Ti Pinks, Mrairan Kls. lied Kidney. J7.7r; Flendersui Buh. 4.7,1; f'ran-t-frr Paves. Blackeye.
HOPS -From WcL'So per lh for IfiiM IHH-fomia crop; do. JOat crop. 2tt.3Htc cording tu quality and district in which grown. Bean Bans. IOUiM.
R'o each; 19iji34, ach; 1 9x.S2. 7c ench. Terms nel cash f. o. b.
wharf or cars San Francisco. If limn hags ore tn be printed wiin the label In correspond ith the nilinir of the Railroad 'laxmficat ion Kunvu, Uie additional charge for plinLum llie laliel ouly ib per thousana. Hops in New York. NEW YORK Sept. IS.
How Kss. State in--', 10211. Pacific fiiast. r.t-'t, la'-'o. nrni-aie.
O0PPitt5bur, Diablo, way. Sunday only. eUKJPjSarraminto, Pittsburg. Woodland, way, Pta I betvrra Oak and Mallard tiundaj. lanplPittsburg.
way. Sunday mly. TAGE er and she wanted it as much as anything was ever wanted. She doesn't live in a big place by any a but she HOLLAR II 0 AMERICA LINE SANTA ROSA AND WAY POINTS Leave Saoaattto Honrlr. eaaneet with boatn leaving San Kranclnco 7(45 A.
M. to 4i4. P. then t4S P. M.
and lOtlK P. M. Hay and Mill Feed gaturdnyn. Sundays, Special 114S P.M. 5 JtJst started out to win, and she did! Then there is piiiiSiilliouane skaggs gf I Sonoma County.
j' Uuane lives in a Laura May fry KO Kmal1 that you'd never know it was there if you didn't stop to investigate why the road widened out in that spot. NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM VIA PLYMOUTH, BOULOGNE-SUR-ITER Rotterdam Oct. 8 Nov. 12 Dee. 10 Krndnm Oct.
15 Nov. 10 lpc. 24 N. Amsterdam 22 Nov. 'M Dee.31 Noordam Oet.
20 Dec. 3 Passenger Office: 401 Market, San Fran sites OFFICE 517 SUTTER ST. TelephoM Garfield 1 N. Y. Coffee Market Rroipts lw rail from inter or for the 24 hours en.led 10 a.
m. yesterday were 4,110 ctl The California and Hawaiian Sugar Refinery (Vunpary as follows, per 100 lbs in bags or barrels: f'ane m-iniiln-d hss. r. not f. H.
fine standard coarse dry' granulated; confec- K-T ''(I- jnvdcrel ri'id "HiRTide" bar, $015: cules and cuhelets, ctibe'ets 'in cae. 12 cartonsi. solid pack. 7.W; do lin cases 30 2-lb car-ions S7 OO; extra golden P. $5.30.
'Ihe Wctni Pugr-r Pefinerr nunld as Allows, pc I'l" lbs in bags or barrels, "Sea Island Cane, granulated basis. $5.00: fruit, granulated extra fine do. coai-se dn. cotlfoct.i.lncrs, A and A f0 Monarch bar. HR.15; Monarch powdered and XXX powdered.
$0 15; rubes demt-otibes. i.lTni-ciirs Vlb eirtonsl dem'-eiirwi 112-lb eartonsi. $7 00; extra golden The Spreckels Sugar Comirany quote best in ba at hajeil, four 25-lb pockets. $5 fin New York. KW YORK.
Kept The raw sugar wa ipiite active again Uxlnv and prices wee un'-hanpisl at 2-c civ-t and fnik'ht for Cu'ias. equal to 4.23c for I'entri-fugsl and 4.13c for outside Sngats. 'Ihfl'e were sales tlirfMig'l the committee of 7't et 0 rogs er Cnltfls, while transact oms in uncontrr.llcd Sugars included 2i.fKiri bass pcrto Uieoa anil 2S(i tH'0 hags of l'hlll- ''''U'lvt 'Viitfiren clesed as follows: October, 55c- Iei-licr. 2.43c; March, 2.34c; "'4 1c' Salna. 1,250 tons.
'The demand for refined is better, hut. priirs nre unchanged at 0 50c fur tine gtanulatod. FOl'ND PctetLxfk eontaininsr taoney and paters. Pany proving property can hnT rinip; TlinJt( IfotH janilfir. smalt, slicrt hatred lirovndg, downtown.
Tall IutfT8sTl7. nitrhti betwnt-n Vatleio and Han Kmniriftro, blark leather wallet am-UininfT lKr.epn $71 and in currency, Masitnic card and other carrU: reward. ULUliGK M. SL'AIiUAM, 1017 J-N ft- L( ST-lJold Wicket, Saturday, Sept. 24, titfer on onp side, Maaunic t-mblcm on other cnntn.ins two bahy pictinrs.
Kinder plt-ae coiiiiiiujiicaW with Mifiiioa 8t. rrvant. SopL 2J, on VfcXHiiter bet. WolrtUT and Buchanan, mnl-roi-dervd cmter pitfw, with hom*o ntade lai around it; was donated for a charity affair; lib. jrowd.
i.uchanan st I'h. Mkt. 69. LOT--Sining pa- book -No. of Union Trust Co.
of S. p-iyment Upturn to Iwnk, Market O't'arnell and Crnnt av. AH perns an cautioned jift tojiureh.i'. (Nr negotiHtP thp name. lA tS'f bull iup; fi montiia old; dark brown, wlijte IVH, non and chmt; play nato of child.
Iti-tum to 2H I'hone jilfincia Jicward. LOST At iwjal 'nn-aLer ou 1-sarkin, bftt. Tntilav piLne o-mtaan nionoy, na.y tmpluy) discharge. 20 liranada InRhjftide. n- DST -liVntist'V black handbajr off machine on Market or Ma sun 1 p.
m. Upturn to IR. C. II. LUNUNEIl, bids.
reward. ST I trow fur neckpicceT -ikin," Ttween lurk Ht. and ferry or 1220 Ky Kouu to ()aklnd reward. MUrt. BATES.
Aiarkif 40. LtSTA ti'inaTe rat-tail, brown, cnrTy water Bpamel in the nevhborboixt of liStft av. and Uacment; auhject to tit*. Kturu to J. K.
CLMAKY. loth reward. Wllj'j wtio jH-'ked up choksr fur in Did Duane say, pshaw, I'll never do it. They're not enough people here Receipts bv rail from interior points during the 24 hours ended 10 a. m.
yesterday were 1.10. 108 cfls Barley; 1,424 rtls Oats: .10 tons Tl.iy: 10 tons Straw; 30 sks Feed: ,100 sks Meal. Tiie stinr Nome City from Seattle brought 2.H2U sks 1'eed. NKW CROP. Wheat, Ko.
1 IIWIS Wluflit. fair grade 1.1(rc-lo Tame Oat (new cropl 12(i 15 Wild Oat 10W 12 Alfalfa (second and third cutting) .12 1 4 Stork 8jin blraw Nominal' DAIRY FKKDS Per ton; Barley, irroimd, do rolM. jaSKm.m. Oats, rolled, feci. $lr3rt: lintn, Mill Run, Shorts, $23r2il: l.inseed Meal, Dominal; Coenanut Miial.
$22 Alfalfa Meal. Cottonseed Meal. Sugar Beet Pulp. Molasses, in tanlcs, $21; bbls, Milo Mnize. $3S(o41: Coninnal and Cracked Com.
41; Scrauih Feed, 48. Soitthern iiru-cs for Alfalfa; Choice Rabbit Alfalfa, $28; choice iLiiry, i24; No 1 dairy. $21 stamlarrl, $16 valley nninrr to get twenty-five orders'" Duane NH7W YORK. Sept. 2S.
-Th market, for rnfTce futures was irreffilar todiy, with near months relatively firm, on of a continued K'wd spot demand, while hilyrrs of Ihcemhrr were sellers of later deJiveriw which ruled relatively After oi-uiiiR two hiaher to nvs pond.s timer iKimher sold up from i.M to 7.P.r,c, or 11 prints bieber and into new high sroiiind for the movement. nllHis were held back bv sellinc auainsl purchases of tlaremher. however, and after selling at 02c early March eased off to 7. was sleady, net, li pmnta higher to in poitds lower, as follows: Septmnbcr, 7.7-V; lleloher, TV-cemtwr.
7.12r; January. 7.ftc; March, 7.96c; Vm, S.Ole: July K.Ofic. Sit I'offee was steady; Rio 7s were (looted at 8Uc and Santos 4s at llti, 1 2 c. RATES REDUCED LOS ANGELES $13.00 5SS McrIk and Stntrroomst Free $22.50 FOtt THE KOLM) TRIP On the White riyer' Line I'lixKcnKer S. S.
H1FMHOLDT MONDAY, 4 P. M. Tickets on Sale at BS.1 Market St Phone Sntter 1H0. American Hi. 2d and kt.
Sta. Phone Kearny 3100. Oakland Off lee, 11.10 liroadway Phone Oakland 3323 did NOT: lie 1 1 a out to rrin I see lothing but suc-iess ahead w. le. WON! a working in tnd some day So-Joma County will proud of him.
3e has the "stuff" him to make he pages of his- Vegetables Mare Island Maty Yird, V.lltjo, St. Helena, Calittsfa ksati leave 9:45 a. bl, 12:19, 2t, iM s. a. 1 S.30 p.
a. Valleis asd Nana ealr. Dscl snd Office. Nsrtk End el fW. RoHJiu If" Vi 1 IK rWt Saner 371 HDIIICUtl SIUUHIr Ct HeaJa carta Receipts of Produce Native Koc5 Hall luewiay evemng, iJ(ua rntniTi ti Wnnvn'i Irish Body of Suicide By Hanginff Found sit up ami rell! AMADOR TALKS I Turpentine and Oils ritijil ltwtiA.
1015 riieian bide, JAPAN, CHINA PHILIPPINES Honolulu Fast snd Frequent Service) by Palatial Steamers J. J. Dulo i i 1 1 Linseed Oil. NEWMAN. Sept.
28 The body of a countjfr. usi won't be auicl I. riding hi: Iberia Mara Tenyo Blarn Korea Mam man believed to be George Ii. Stewart, according to papers found in the pockets, -was lound hanging by the vrtm tron nn tho IvnnkR Of thp Oet. Oet.
17 Oct. 26 i iirmi Sanger around, LaJjk. Nfw York, rticrhrmre, Rnutlinmrton ina every time lie Kiw York, LIverrHwl; I'lif ladftphia, Liverpool; New York-Boston. Azotes, Naptos. 0Doa; Muntreal, Qttrbec, Liverpool.
steps on her, the pr.u.s. Just flow Knn iMntiin river near a bridge six from his lips TOYOKISENKAISHA General I'mnrnser and Freight Office, 625 Market St. Sntter 3IIO0 miles east of here this morning Dy 'It was not Ceorpe Ii. (iran. a farmer.
He wants to be heard: hard work to earn my i Um as A lei I Pi' frtiln tn tha ew York. I'ljinmith, CherhonrK, Antwerp; tk, Antwerp; The warm veather wss responsible for a good demand for lyttuce and Tomatoes. Vnrly sales of Tcrmtoes were made at $1.75 is-r lug. Bell Prppers were plentiful and the, price per lug drooied to a ranre of SVrt One desler offi-l'ed to clean pp 200 bcxea at. the minimum.
Corn. String Bejins and other vegetables were not in demand and fsiled to move at any price due to Uie effect, of the weather on the housewife. Receipts by rail from interior points during the 24 hours ended 10 a. m. yester-riav were 12 cais flrapea, 2 cars Sweet Potatoes, 2 cars Potatoes and 2 car mixed vigetables.
Wells Fargo Rxpross lirought 00 sacks Peas, 12 sacks Beans and 1 box Mushrooms. isrel laneous carriers brought 1 040 lugs Tomatoes, 245 sacks Corn and 22 crates Corn. POTATOES--Wholesnle prices, per ctl in sack: Salinas $3.. Vsn do Rivers, tlrecon S2.75; Swesd-s, tier lh. ONIONS Australian brown, $2.25 per vsh*te, per cwt, $2.
ft); Stockton, new crop, per sack, yellow. red, 1 .75. 1 BOI IS Belt Peppers. Polta (new cn)il, fancv, large lugs, 2.rst5c l'alo Alto, Chile do, green, a.Vefirtc t'r box: Plggplnnt, per ln, Tomatoe-s, Stockton and peninsula, for large lugs: do No. 2s.
Summer Squash, per rier lug, 50l'S05c Cream Squash, iier lug, Pea-s, 7lod0c ier lh; Celery, per crate, Riven, white, yellow, fer hunch: Italian Squash, nver lugs, WTfie; String Beans, 3(nfic for fancy; Lima Beans, iier lh. GfisV; Italian Beans, per lb. 4c; Shell Beans, ner lb, OcnTc; Corn, for Nn. 1 do No. 2, $1.501.75 per sack: do crates, $3 Pickles, per box, Cucumbers, hay per lug, Gurlic.
SV-jlnTic; Green Onions, cleaned 75 ir river, 50(a75c; Rhubarb, box, Okra. mr Ixix. 75c; lettiire. per crate. Sprouts, per lb, 7c; Spiuacli, per lh, 2c.
SACK BP- -Turnips new stock, white. $1 sack; do yelln. 75c sck: Carrots, new stock, 7.1cWl: Parsnips, $2: Beets, new slock. $1. New vork, amours, i-ioau, janzig.
Panzig. ASU SCAN HlHE EAM I AVf everybody knows what a good paper porUpt, addressed to his The Exam ner is, and I told them Mrs. l. Wilson, Grants Pass, what a real bike the Kancer is. 1 i dated September 24.
he In-earned mina in one week, with a little I tPn(jed to commlt suicide and iudsr-work after school hours. My -bike' from thp ficomposed eondition Is sure admired by all who see it, and body he cnde(1 hi3 Ufe on that 1 can hardly think of anvthinft else." j. Little Fmmett I "ugh of Yolo County rWrnnts rf Intorinr prodiire st San Franrisro for Ci hcnira ended 10 a. m. ywtrtlay wor: Kli nr, S.1R1 nr la: 'WTient.
I ettn: BarlsT IW.IOS; 1.4J4 rtls: Koarw, r(4 aks; fm, snri cth; rotatortt, I aha: flnionfi, 4X Hay, MO tons; Straw, 10 tns; Hops, KKi Mr; Piper! Sl akn; Mnol, Sim sks; VVnr.1. SBT7 Btlt.tCT, ctls; TVfm, rim; CrKvsie, 7:1 ctls: Tki rolls; llirlrs, S72 no; Prlta, 40 no; Tallow. 77S rtls; lli. 2.019 nks; Apnlns, I.4SS bia; 10 ShooK), 3 Almonds. 7lrJ Ixirs; I'appr, 2 ran; Snpar, 41.110 ctls; Raisins, 2 cars; T.iTiwtm li head; Coal.
C2fi tons; Wood, rmni Fruit, 1 car; Wine. Mi.vuO gala; i.ime, 1M bhl. 10cr-trt by Host dnrinr the) 24 honrn ended 10 a. m. yentmliiy inclirdwl (for cwnjilota lint of inincipal imports sjid coriS'isnrfls nee manifest in shipping column?) l'r Outch utoainor Nnnrierdiik from fristohnl Onffee, 20 baits: fl hags; from Ilot.tcrtianv-Oioeqe.
50 CH-SC3; from lyindon imntR, 200 casrs; I'TPcr. 15 loss: iHvtea. hoim. Per Jao stinipr Tvyon Mam from Kobe, etc. Tea, rhcBts; Fir Yolk, lankap Tcr steamer Nome City from Saattlo Mmvr, 5,100 haJf 100 qr BiKa; Tea, K3 choita; Feed, 2,20 sacks.
Copra. OOFKA Manfla, in to or bnlk, t. n. ear Nan fYancisco, 4'o per lb; do South tioa islajida, Berries. The market was reasonably firm, bnt tJie rWries received yesteniay srioiwd effects of the warm weather of tlje, f(nr da.
Kreiitj! dunnir the 24 hours ended 10 a. m. vesterdav were 172 crates. crate. 12 baskets.
fl.4lX:l.U: (In riravrer, 0 haskiKa, riLA('KKRIlRIHX4 lr drawer, 8-ocs ta-kets, crates, 7.fcjii.lo. ASI'HKK RIKS Uwal. VODfiSe. lirrKl.K&KkltlFS I'cr 12V.SMV (ltlS(M)N CKAMIISKU1KS Fer "boshel boxes. 4ift.
Kw York. Cherbourg. Hamburg. Danzig. for milium and other iniotmation apply International Mercantile Marine Co.
Market San Francisco Phone Garfield 1955 Denmnrk, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and lialllc Slates. Frederik VIII Oet 7 Helhg Glav Oet. 13 Oscar II Oet. 26 United States No. I w-ith joy whenever I Two Nominated for Ranger, and as he U.
S. Jobs in State fWas'S 7 lhs per (ration W. Fuller ft Po. ouote as follovs: Stricfiy pure raw linseed oil in hhls. Ktrietlv pure rsw lin.ecd oil in discs.
$1.7. Stcctlv pure hoiled liiwvi oil In Hls. P4c. Strictlv pure boiled linseed ol in caftea, 1 1.0!); 54N lots. 1c 1ms.
Turnentine. (Bssis 7 His per millon) Ffrietly pure in tanks. Slricilv pure in c-iwes, $1. 10 esse lota, less, Pioneer White Lead. tptnctlv pun- Mn wood and steel keffs.) 1- ton lotft at one pim-hftse.
)c. lhs and lows than one ton, ll'4n. Trs than ROO lbs. Ils4c 2-Vlb or kegs, net weight, hie higher than p.hnve price. 12-Ih Piils, 1c higher than ahore pric.
2o-lb or oO-lb kegs, net weight, higher thnn alxive price. 1 to 10 lh cans, higher than abrwe Iirice. 124-lh Vv. Ue higher than shore price, th-v White Ijead in larrels, 1 ton and ewer, 11 Trv Vhite IxHid in ketrs of SO and 00 lhs 1. than o'1" 11m.
114e. Red Lead and Litharge. nnd over at one purchase in 100-lb Reps, net Avelrht. 1 1 '-i c. alid lew than one ton.
10Vlb kegs, net voicrht. 1 1 ly. than IWI lhs, 100-lb keoa, net weight, 1 1 c. 2." or RO-ib ketrs, net. weight, per lb, vie thsn above prices.
12Vs-lb kegs, net weight, per lb, higher than above price. Castor Oils. Tinker, A A factor Oil, 5s, $1.48 per gal; do la. r-r gal Prices in Georgia. SAYAVNAH (ira.i.
Prpt. 2.. Tiirwmttna. firm. Ofi'-ie: rales, JMS: receiiits, shipments.
4-tO: stocks. 8.2114. Resin, firm- receiiits, ah pmcnts. 2.WS: stocks, 75.2.17. Quote: R.
W.WWeW 1 I 4.0rV I-'. O. 4.17-i-f.: II. (t zruml Si:" f. 4.4,r4r.; K.
tn- WOJ, JS.SKnS.sO: WW. Xr.nT Ijkdy's g-ild otmai faced watch on tfokf fob; lir-eral reward. 324 Mapie iU Fa- riib47t)4. "LT'ST- Iii KmpiKiTiTiC aler 5 p. Kimf Jfyither pnrse couUuning bills, cnr.
and Tai. imy iviiera. I'll. A1a. lib, reward.
Cuts'l iU'd' 4igli-4i lull with whit cht. Kindly phona 71i or 4Ul mv CuST -In tlm nt Ivopiuia Kiui TTtuoj old fn.Hhi'rnl Iracaiet kwp-iaJLe; reward. ibfornia nt. JrfVV '-IWWffln Hyde ami Van Stm on Turk sL, 1 batber bat: rronuuiiinff prif book. li- Uirn to Hyde, apt- rfiward.
ST--SoM link brackKt, with three stnonib in i'reiulin or fid any, Sept. IS; keeieaJte; reward. I'hutie MarKet 1 taj 1 1 i th in i tlais rl(i, W. on gold band, ricinity Jfiichain and ('n. Kinder pieaae 2670.
Ll)ST iH't. dolman laup txU "between Alum iiok park and San cm. FiUmore AM. 10 Bush 8t. 8np.4, mtk" ba cvntainin rinir pnd rirrrncv.
lanrt- nnwtird to fiudec. r. o. box jan. itrTkni CuSf---Man' brown coat near Cliff ft era" 'UfUini F.
liL'lvIid, Kedtone HoUU cflice reward. i CilST $100 ciirnrner on nf-more orby cart '2' and 1 to (rpnie and Staplea a. West lO.ST I silver iiain with a frpnuan dolla-f reward. Phone -2. LOHT bill, bt I "and flt-i.
tn MJi Tuewlay. I)ST Paiuiy "pnf d.arrisond in center; kie akej tfii. Krankiin7i3 1 JjfST Yellow canary with black on neck! fitiK GarTland IfVth and Valencia. LOST Kngliah riw, white wiUi blarf rsnoU. Vi-i.
to L'H Jlarrirtori Rfrward. Cost" Itiwn "coat to mjui'n "iit, aiso toll bat, i Wll JroHrert Mr. Voting. LUST Thtt's Iiatucs-s, on Pacific tt. Itetnm Jt7 Racrarm'Tito aptf.
Jipward. fA KTY who found "photo ba'k of ihata So- tel. I1pwo return mme Room VnLTTrm wW picked iip S-V Tn bTll on Mason t. near Muron School return to H'b upartiuent ottioa, and re none laj'e reward. 7TireVard fnr return of 2 kin FUlier neeW- pipce; lost b-t.
Burliname and S. F. on Pept, 2S. Finder plsaa phoo Douelaa RaT7. ISO reward for rat urn of one Iowa w.d,'bt.
1 karat; lout in F. on Soyt EiudiM 9kmm pitti tmaU hiX Far Psisenger Rates, 544 Market S. F. does little else, hen out of school, he is in a continual slate of effervescence. Kinmett is small, and some of the folks thought may WASHINGTON.
Sept. 28. Nominations sent to the Senate today bv President Harding- ineluded Walter S. I lunsacker to be register of the! office at Visalia, California: Miss Florence Znmwalt 1o lie receiver of public moneys at the same place, and William II. Clark, of Meeker, to be surveyor-general of San Francisco to New York Call Ins at Los Abba lea.
Panama. Havana First rahin fare 270.00 Third Cabin fare 41100.00 1)K L1TXR STF.AMF.ll HAWKEYK STATE Leave Sal Francisco lor New Yk Lata Oetobsr MATSON NAVIGATION CO. 120 MAKKET SAN FRANCISCO Managing Agent, U. 8. Khipping Board AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND and SOCTII SEAS Via Tahiti and Rararonea Renular Mail and Passenger Service UNION S.S.
CO. of NEW ZEALAND sc The Cotton Market be such a young-i t-r cnuldn earn j'f i Kanger. Kmmett I erent mold from The Metals Markets General Agents Tel. Douglas SIM HIND, ROLPU eV CO 230 CslHorala St, ome liovs. He inst KKW YORK.
Sept. 28 (By Pniverssl Service.) The Cotton Market today opened strong as 1 result of renewed heavy buying by the trade, and first prices were 17 to 42 points higher. Heavy birring continued throughout the Resion. and the market, maintained its earlv strength until just More the close, which was barely steady, with prices pet iminta higher to 25 points lower. OooTsrions: KVV' he could i it, and he was Mist pome i 1IO want to take that load off of your feet, by riding a handsome Banger bicycle, make the fact known quickly by means of the coupon in today's paper.
All yon have to do is to fill It out and send it in and full instructions will be sent you. Or you can call Emmett Pugh tt. He did and now some of the fellows call him a Steamship Tickets Complete Travel Service for the independent travelers. Steamship Tickets for all lines. Hotel tnd Pullman reservations.
Write for details. American Express Company Market St at Second 8an Francisco. Pu. Rears MOO M5V (KK, riept. 1oririeT Steady.
Mectrolytlc spot and nearby, fntnrea, FJc. Tin Firm. Spot and nearby 20S4 futures, 2tj.H7. Iron Htcady: Nn. 1 northern.
'i northern. liy.fjOis'Jl; So. 2 southern. leal Steady: spot. 4.7orcM.7.
Zinc Steady; liast St. Louis, spot, 4.40 fc4.4"e. Antimony 4VK'. UJNOO.N, Sept, vfi. tani1rrl conoer.
f8 2s electroirnc Ti JOs. Tin. 153 6ev lafjd. Zi-3tU, filar, fift. CHINA MAIL raairntera aael Frelht JAI'AV, CHI Si A FORTS INCiAl01llfi 8.
NANKING Oet. 8. 8. CHINA i Dee. II).
110 Montgomery Sail fraselsas 1 Psoas Kssrnv 384 "lucky kid." Kmmett says it's not personally at 911 Hearst Building, or it's ambition and "stiek-to-it at the Oakland "Examiner" office. High. Trfw. Close. 21.15 20 75 20.75 21.45 21.0:t 21.04 21.42 21 00 21 05 21.10 20.72 20.78 20 A8 20 27 203S 19.84 1U.1W (rption Open.
September ....21 00 October 21. SO December 21.35 Jannary 21.00 Msrrh 20. 5 Mav 20.20 Flax and Linseed. Sept 2S. Linseed On track anrl to srrle.
$1 Xti. MTNNBAPOUA SwC JL ji an. that brought him "in." And Kmniett's Twelfth and Broadway. And don't RIOHT as manv others testify. wait until the "last gun is fired" to do HERE'S YOUR CHANCE.
it. The erly bird, etc taJte heed So ail you fellows gkis vha nowl Root CoUon, (juut; Middling Upland,.